Mikhaley Peck

Pink Paths Challenge 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 70 kms

Besties unite

In 2022 my best friend was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. Many times I had to sit by feeling helpless, watching her go through treatment, surgery and recovery. The Cindy Mackenzie program was there to offer support and assistance when Kate needed it, so now I can do this to help give back to this wonderful program. 

I’m choosing to Think Pink and support local people affected by breast cancer

I want to make sure breast cancer patients and their families can access the support they need to focus on the things that matter most.

That's why I'm raising funds for the Buderim Private Hospital Cindy Mackenzie Breast Cancer Program.

Join me on a Pink Path or donate today on my page to help me reach my goal.

Together, we can make a difference and change lives. Locals helping locals.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Marley Peck

You are so inspiring. Each month you are helping raise money for an amazing cause. Go Kahley!!!


Stef P